Happiness lies deep within us

"Life is not long," said American writer Thoreau. "don't rush it."
"If you can't listen to your heart, you can't choose your path wisely," said maslow, a humanist psychologist.
In a long, long life in boundless and indistinct sea of faces, we walked all the way, for various reasons to rush about, struggle, struggle, we pursue all the way, for the rich life, for the successful career, for a happy family, for a healthy body..., who has stopped to ask what the heart really longs for?We are so unyielding, what are we after?All the answers ultimately point to the same truth: all we are after is happiness.
What is happiness?A poor man with no money says: money is happiness.A busy rich man said: "leisure is the happiness;A student of a cold window said: can have a holiday and be happy;A woman who has broken up a marriage says: "to be loved is to be happy;One amputee with both legs said: "walking is happiness.A blind man with two eyes said: he who can see is happy;......Everyone's understanding of happiness is different, and positive psychology calls it "subjective well-being".No matter what you is through the pursuit to happiness, all the people in this kind of subjective well-being has experienced two common emotions: joy and satisfaction, and the joy and satisfaction is not fleeting, but a long stay and continue to exert positive and positive impact on life.Happiness is a subjective feeling, a deep feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that arises in our hearts.
Many people do experience temporary happiness and contentment after achieving their goals. They think they are happy.But not for long, and as time passes by, it falls back into the abyss of anxiety and emptiness, and begins to set another goal and enter a new chase.Most people are in the ups and downs of this emotion, seeking happiness through constant pursuit of one goal after another.In their hearts, there is a "if" rule: if I am rich, if I succeed, if I find someone who loves me...Then I will be very happy.
Happiness seems to depend on only these external things to survive, without these dependence, happiness is only the mirror in the flower, in the water, in the remote hope and not.Then, this part only forever taut nerves, dare not let up, in the sense of crisis driven towards the one goal constantly busy, they thought only in this way can firmly to the external things, to grasp the in hand inside will be happiness forever.Is that really the case?Where is that lasting happiness?In fact, all of these people make the same mistake: they mistakenly believe that happiness can only be obtained by pursuing external things, and they are wrong in the direction of happiness.
Happiness always exists only in the innermost part of our hearts, only to go inward, to ask the mind, to be truly happy.The good news: in fact, happiness is the true nature of each one of us, the real you is the eternal love, joy, and peace, full of infinite wisdom and boundless creativity, and just enjoy life happiness, and people life and has unlimited potential to create their own happiness, these are not given by the people, not someone else can take, god before we are born equal happiness gave every one of us.In the pursuit of happiness, all we have to do is try to restore what we really are.
Since happiness does not depend on these external things, do we not need to struggle?Of course not.The pursuit of happiness is not in conflict with the pursuit of success. External success is often the way to a happy life, or the form of happiness.Positive psychology research shows that there is a strong correlation between happiness and success.Happy people are more likely to succeed at all levels of life, including health, income, marriage, family, careers, friendships and other social relationships.
Whether it is to pursue happiness or to pursue external success, it is impossible to obtain the common ground without neglecting the soul.The human mind is like a projector, the outside world is just a projection of it, and we can't show what we don't have in the outside world.Relationships (with health, with money, with family, with career, with friends...It is the projection of our inner relationship with ourselves that we can manifest the completeness of these relationships to the outside world only by clarifying our inner relationships.So if you want to be happy, you must first experience happiness in your heart to manifest happiness outside.By the same token, you want a rich life, a successful career, a happy family, a healthy body...You have to have these beliefs in your heart first, and experience it, and you can get what you want outside of you.Everyone's heart was stored with everything you can imagine any possibility, everyone's inner has unlimited potential, as long as you believe, and are willing to effort, you will be able to get what you really desire, including happiness.No matter what you are after, the only way to get it right is to show it naturally.The mind of happiness is the tree of life blooms, leafy soil, the soil is fertile and trees to thrive, if poor soil, trees can't grow, and ultimately will slowly wither.
Since happiness is in the heart of all of us, why is there so many people unable to find it?What is holding us back from the path to happiness?There's only one answer: that's who we are.
I had heard a little story that was very interesting: "one morning a priest was preparing a sermon for the next day.The wife went out to buy something, and the little son John cried out to go to Disneyland.In order to distract the son, the priest will be a picture of a color map of the world to tear into many small pieces of dispute marina, said to the son, "little John, if you can get the map together, I will take you to Disneyland.The minister thought it would cost John half the morning, but in less than ten minutes John had finished his work.Each piece of paper is neatly arranged together, and the map of the world is restored to its original form.The priest was surprised and asked, 'boy, how do you spell so fast?Little John replied, "it's so easy!On the other side of the map is a picture of a person. I put the person's picture together and turn it over.I think if this person is right, then the world is right.'
The priest burst into laughter and decided to take his son to Disneyland immediately and thanked his son for helping him prepare the sermon for tomorrow. "man is right, the world is right," he said.
The only thing that holds us back from happiness is ourselves.
Our mode of life is influenced by many factors: personality traits, native families, all kinds of education system, external environment, life events, family, etc., all of these factors in two forms affect what we say, thoughts and emotions, our brain is constantly shaped by all kinds of thoughts and feelings.Our relationship with our family, our relationship to money, our relationship to our career, our relationship with our health...Ultimately reflected in the relationship with the self, if you feel what relationship out of the question, it must be in your inner being created by your thoughts and emotions obstacle hinders your relationships with them.To grow up is to clean up the inner heart, break through the mental and emotional barriers, and get all kinds of successful relationships from the inside out, and finally the process of happiness.
How to break barriers and find happiness?The answer is simple, but it takes a lifetime to put into practice this simple answer: awareness, awareness, awareness.Clean, clean, clean up.Every moment to remember to perceive themselves in each who have decided to, every emotion, constantly to clean up the negative emotion and cognition, form the behavior habit of can bring happiness: will we each and every one of the difficulties and challenges, every help or hurt their own people as gift god gives us, they are coming to help us better understand oneself, break through the obstacles and grow;Heart filled with gratitude all accepted what was happening in the present, get up the courage to meet every challenge in life, every cross obstacle we just from the always filled with deep love and joy, this is one step closer to the his own happiness.
"The man who looks out is dreaming," said jung.To those who look inside, awake."
Only by walking inward, breaking through the barriers of self-weaving, can we finally harvest the truly happy self!